Education Events

At Hitchin & Whitwell PCN we believe that health education is a cornerstone of effective healthcare. On a monthly basis, we aim to promote informed decision-making and proactive health management by providing education events on different health conditions with a variety of presenters.

So far, we have held events on topics including, menopause and HRT, neurodiversity in children and prostate cancer.

To find recordings of previous events please visit: 

Prostate Cancer

Neurodiversity in children

Lower back pain
Menopause & HRT

Future events:

Patient Participation Group 8th August 18:30 – 19:30 H&W PCN Microsoft Teams
Diabetes Management (TBC) 5th September 18:30 – 19:30 Luke Frampton Microsoft Teams
Healthcare Careers EXPO 4th October 12:00 – 16:00 H&W PCN Hitchin Town Hall
Patient Participation Group 7th November 18:30 – 19:30 H&W PCN Microsoft Teams
Benefits Awareness TBC TBC TBC TBC
Preventative Healthcare (TBC) TBC TBC TBC TBC
Patient Participation Group TBC TBC TBC TBC

To register your interest in any of the above events or to request a Microsoft Teams joining link please email: